How to order from Italy


  1. Our virtual shopping cart allows you to select the books/items of your interest. To select a book/item, just click the "shopping cart" icon that appears on its tab. You can check at any time the content of your cart and change the number of items selected.

  2. Once you have completed your order:

    If you are a registered customer, please enter your username and password, check if data are correct, choose the method of shipping and payment, and close the order. Please, state in the order form your full shipping data.
    If you are a new customer, please fill in the "new customer" form, then check if data are correct, choose the method of shipping and payment, and close the order. Please, state in the order form your full shipping data.
  3. Once your order is closed, you will receive an e-mail with its identification number. Please, always quote this number in dealing with our staff.

  4. You can check your orders at any time on our website, by simply logging in your private area with username and password.

  5. You can also place your orders by mail, fax or telephone, stating – where possible –the code number of the article that you are buying, and any other available detail.

  6. By placing an order through the different channels, the customer declares that he has read all the information provided during the purchase process, and that he accepts the general conditions and the payment conditions listed below.


How to order from abroad


  1. Our virtual shopping cart allows you to select the books/items of your interest. To select a book/item, just click the "shopping cart" icon that appears on its tab. You can check at any time the content of your cart and change the number of items selected.

  2. Once you have completed your order:

➤ If you are a registered customer, please enter your username and password, check if data are correct, choose the method of shipping and payment, and close the order. Please, state in the order form your full shipping data.
➤ If you are a new customer, please fill in the "new customer" form, then check if data are correct, choose the method of shipping and payment, and close the order. Please, state in the order form your full shipping data.
  1. Once your order is closed, you will receive an e-mail with its identification number. Please, always quote this number in dealing with our staff.

  2. You can check your orders at any time on our website, by simply logging in your private area with username and password.

  3. We accept orders from abroad only by e-mail, fax or letter. NO PHONE.

  4. By placing an order through the different channels, the customer declares that he has read all the information provided during the purchase process, and that he accepts the general conditions and the payment conditions listed below.

VATERLAND S.A.S di Alberto Manca & C. - sede legale: Solarussa ( OR ) via Azuni 21 CAP. 09077 - partita IVA 01152870950 - REA 134686
MOAI Studio Milano
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